Edited by Stephen Appleyard G3PND
Much is published across the world about amateur radio antennas. International Antennas brings together some of the very best material that has been published in recent years. There are over 50 articles included with authors from Australia, Scandinavia, South Africa, United Kingdom, USA and more.
International Antennas has an emphasis is on practical rather than theoretical. You will find descriptions of the construction and performance of antennas enabling the reader to build their own versions. These articles have been written by experienced radio amateurs who have been so pleased with the performance of their particular antenna, that they have been moved to put pen to paper to share this experience.
There is a huge range of antennas included in this book, covering 17 bands from VLF through to 70cm. You will find articles covering the 'stealthy' antennas through to novel approaches to classic antennas. There are verticals, loops, beams and a host of unusual designs. There is so much in fact that the editor has provided a cross reference to see at a glance the bands antennas are designed for and if they are intended for fixed use or mobile/portable operation.
International Antennas is a fabulous collection of antenna articles from around the world. It is intended for everyone who is interested in amateur radio antenna design or is just looking for practical antennas to study and build.
Size: 200 x 234mm, 176 pages
ISBN: 9781 9101 9335 8