Edited by: Andy Barter, G8ATD
This book is a new compilation of articles aimed at those who are interested in building equipment for the amateur radio microwave bands. The designs in this book are from authors all around the world who are keen microwave constructors themselves. This ensures that the all of the projects use modern techniques and up to date components. The book includes chapters covering:
* Antennas with designs for 23cm, 13cm, 6cm.
* Power amplifiers for 23cm and 10GHz.
* Measuring equipment, with different ways to use a spectrum analyser and a very useful noise source.
* Filters and design of filters, useful for the accomplished constructor and a Hybrid coupler for 13cm.
* Modifying commercial equipment with detail of using surplus equipment to get o 5.7GHz, 10GHz and 24GHz.
* Converter for S band using a YIG LO and a 2m down converter for use with SDRs
* Oscillators showing how to use a DDS and MMICs
If you are already active on the microwave bands or simply looking for interesting projects Microwave Know How will show you how easy it is to become more active using modern devices and equipment.
Size 174x240mm, 192pages ISBN: 9781 9050 8656 6