13th Edition
by Fred Handscombe, G4BWP
Many DXers know that prefixes have been in a constant state of change since the late 1920s when National identifications were first set up. The RSGB Prefix Guide is updated regularly to reflect this change and provide the latest amateur radio prefix information available and a lot more besides.
This latest edition of the RSGB Prefix Guide has, as usual, had a full update and the listings are clearer and easier to use than ever before. Still retaining its popular lay flat design,this is one of the most useful and useable books in amateur radio. Not only are the listings comprehensive but they are provided with a huge range of additional information covering references for continent, CQ Zone, DXCC, IOTA, ITU Zone, Latitude & Longitude and a whole lot more. Readers will find comprehensive lists of DXCC deleted entities, Russian & CIS entities and even the popular DXCC checklist is here. For those chasing awards there is also a host of material including detailed information of the revamped RSGB awards. There is also information on various award programs including IOTA, CQ WAZ, DXCC, WAS and others. There is even an index of countries and their callsign allocations divided by continent.
The RSGB Prefix Guide remains one of the most useful tools a DXer can have on their shelf. So why not treat yourself to the tool that not only provides the answer to "what was that Call?" question, through to the latest award information and a lot more.
Size: 297x210mm (landscape), 80 pages ISBN: 9781 9101 9372 3