Yagis, Quads, Loops, and other Beam Antennas
NEW from the ARRL
Enjoy this collection of some of the very best articles from QST, QEX, NCJ and other ARRL publications. The beam antennas covered in this book will provide the reader with a historical perspective, new and ambitious ideas, and computer-optimized designs for all-around best performance. Read about beams or actually build one of your own! Discover a wealth of ideas from some of the leaders in antenna design and experimentation of the last 70 years. See classic ads and photos from the pages of QST.
Monobanders: Beams for your favorite band
Multibanders: Beams that cover two or more bands
HF, VHF and UHF Beams: From 80 meters to 2304 MHz
Computer Modeling: Optimize your beam's performance
Towers, Masts and Guys: Your beam needs solid support
The "WOW" Factor: Can you believe this?
208 pages. © 2001, The American Radio Relay League, Inc. ISBN: 0-87259-818-7